Shalom: What is Peace?

In times like this, it is important to step back from all of the chaos and question what our role is going to be in all of this. When violence or injustice happens in the world, it is common to want to slap back, to draw lines around groups or ideas and bring out all of the firepower against the “other side”. It is common to want to hurt those who you have perceived have hurt you, without even… »

Fault, is it mine?

Fault can be a trigger word for people. A word that stains you with guilt with even the mention of it. A word that won’t let you go, hold you down and imprisons you where you know you don’t belong but fear you can’t escape. I have learned to look at fault differently. If some result is someone else’s fault, I am completely helpless to affect change. If it is someone else’s fault, they are the… »

Who Is Against Me

A Life Against So often in our lives, we look for who we should be against. Target is selling Satanic clothes: against! Netflix is promoting sex trafficking of young women: against! Disney is adding sexual identity education to films for minors: against! While these things make sense, and there are much more businesses that I could list or make arguments for, defining ourselves by what we are… »

Stop telling your teams to increase lead volume!

Anytime a team focuses on volume, the quality MUST suffer. You show more people your bad thing and show them the wrong way. The way to game the quantity problem is to oversell and underdeliver. However, that does not play out well for overall product growth. I know that you “could” account for this with key results, the problem is, it won’t work. Your team is focused on winning and they will do… »

How do I think creatively?

How do we think both Creatively and Critically without tripping over ourselves? It’s so common to be to critical to start or have no “good” ideas. Let’s take a look at the brains that drive how you think and solve problems. The Right and Left Brain Recently, I’ve been leading meetings that need to involve both the Creative (Right Brain) and the Critical (Left Brain). The Right Brain is amazing at… »

It is Right to Stand and Help Others

“If you faint (slack, stay, be still) in the day of adversity, your strength (firmness, vigor, force, substance, worth) is small (narrow, thin). Rescue those who are being taken away to death; hold back those who are stumbling to the slaughter. If you say, ’Behold, we did not know (see, understand, have awareness of) this,’ does not he who weights the heart perceive (discern, have insight about… »

Better naming for WordPress hooks

Next time you're out there writing some code for a custom WordPress theme or plugin, try thinking about adding colons or dots to your hook names. It makes it much more readable and easier to understand the separation between components and the function of the hook. Filter: Action: It's really fun and makes keeping track of what your hooks really do a little easier. Have fun! »

Enhancing Arrays in HTML forms using AngularJS

This was inspired by Adam Wathan's blog post here: Check out his book here, he's brilliant! The purpose of Adam's blog post was to show the utility of Collections in Laravel. I recently ran into the same problem and solved it on the front-end using AngularJS instead. Dealing with arrays in HTML form submissions tends to be… »

Changing the public folder in Laravel 5

I have been playing around with Laravel 5 recently and it's really looking great. Definitely different, and definitely improved. First things first, I strive to setup my laravel projects with 2 main folders, separating the Public facing website and assets from the Private app, API, and configuration. In Laravel 4 In L4, this was pretty simple: Move the application files Create application_files… »

Quicklook Plugins for Developers

Just found the best thing ever today! I have been working for so long with code files ranging from PHP to C# to JSON, lots of images in various sizes, zip files for downloads, etc. and I have always had such a hard time getting important information about these types files quickly from Mac's Finder. I would always have to look through my folders and drag one file after another into Sublime Text so… »